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The Vulture

Vulture: Getting your priorities right, and when internal emails go external…

The Old Bird is back with a couple more juicy morsels

Vulture: Dealcraft meets Minecraft, and The Name Game

The Old Bird's game for a laugh...

Vulture: Make bonuses great again! And a doppelgänger…

Vulture: Eat, pay, free press | From lineouts to layouts

No such thing as a free lunch?

Vulture: The PEcasso; Imitation or insPEration?

The art of PE

Vulture: The (un)social network, The Capex-ed crusader

Navigating the social media minefield

Vulture: Hold your horses, My name is…

Be clear about what's on your plate to avoid any unexpected horseplay

Vulture:  Fan (e)mail, Face to face

Free PR work is nothing to be sniffed at

Vulture: For Heaven’s sake, Celebrity bias

Chance encounters in Japan

Vulture: Crying over spilled wine, Suits and sirens, and Finding your tribe

An unfortunate choice of words

Vulture: LPs deserve more, Forget AI, and No such thing as a free meal

Comic Sans on a send-to-all email isn’t going to cut it

Vulture: Flying coach, Oil and water, and Get the webcam straight

It's a class thing

Vulture: ESGone mad, The what… house 
of the year, and Know where 
you’re going

Tee-total investing

Vulture: Small is beautiful, Unlikely allies and Winter blues

The (now lost) art of the "Real Deals Fold"